Points de fuite, installation, 142 bristol cards, perforations, metal box, individual card-holders, multiple card-holders, 2023
Points de fuite is playing around admnistrative esthetics and mingling two radically new elements from the 1880s :
-Charles Darwin's last book diagrams, speculating on "nature intelligence"
-Charles Hollerith's punch cards created to accelerate the ongoing american census, opening the way to dataification of the world and early ancestor of "artifical intelligence".
While exploring our various understanings of "intelligence" this work also speculate about a non-existing overlaps that could have changed the way we relate and understand natural elements.
Points de fuite is composed of 142 Hollerith's bristol cards, each punched with one of the diagrams designed by Darwin. These cards can be stored in a specific metalic box, displayed on individual card-holder or on larger specific displays mimicing parts of the original tabulating machines.